Spencer Horticultural Solutions
I provide information, resources and expertise related to horticulture crop production, directed at the professional, hobby, home garden or private garden audience. Whatever your focus and desired outcome, I have the tools to help you grow. I’ll build and provide custom solutions for all of your horticulture-related challenges. I specialize in information development and delivery, as well as personalized crop production management support, including pest diagnostics and management options.
All presentations, written articles and information resources are interactive, entertaining, well-researched, flexible and tailored to any audience or group dynamic. Consultative services are extensive, flexible and customized.
I have expertise in prairie fruit, field vegetable and potato production, as well as knowledge of other horticulture crops, including greenhouse, nursery and specialty crops, ranging from before they go in the ground, to when they have to go to market, and everything in between.