Hort Morsels Blog
Ordering and Preparations
Every year, there are materials and inputs that are used up through the normal course of producing a crop. Some supplies can be purchased in such quantities as to stretch over several years before requiring replenishment. Others must be tracked and replaced regularly,...
The G.I.G.O. Principle of Storage
For years, I have had a strange connection to decay and rot. Around 22 years ago, I plunged into my graduate studies, with a focus on evaluating a potential treatment for the prevention of post-harvest potato pathogens and their associated diseases. It was the start...
Straw Mulch – the warm coat of the plant world
We have had a pretty nice fall, the first that I can recall in recent years. I know that open falls have occurred in recent memory, but the last 2 were so awful as to obliterate all memory of a better example. Despite the good run that we have had, the cold weather...
Reflection and Introspection
Since I started out on my own as a private consultant, I find that I spend an extraordinary amount of time thinking about money, or if not money, then the (financial) implications of everything. Few hours pass by in a day where I am not thinking about the current and...
Soil Testing – Sorting out soil-based mysteries
One of the most common annual and ongoing requests that comes to a consultant/agronomist is to assess a crop (at various stages) and then provide recommendations for fertility adjustments. At the same time, there are always a host of other mysterious ailments that...
Late Season Weed Control
Weeds are awful and are the bane of most people’s existence. Growers spend a significant amount of time and resources trying to manage weeds, as they can have a negative impact on most crops, including: Competing for nutrients, water, light, and space Harbouring,...
Appreciating the Moment
No matter what your profession, the imminent, and at times sudden, arrival of fall brings lots of changes and a fair number of challenges, both physical and mental. September is a pretty busy time for most field-based horticulture crop producers. This is when...
Putting on Your (Vegetable) Armour – Pre-Storage Preventative Measures
Most vegetables are harvested when they are fresh, young, and tender, with thin skins, cells full of moisture, and a correspondingly (and understandably) short shelf life. As a result, they must be harvested right before market, handled minimally, and then sold as...
Getting Some Late Kicks in (a.k.a. End of Season Pest Management Strategies)
Many of the strategies required to manage various in-season pests (insects and diseases) are preventative in nature. These are best applied prior to the development of any disease or insect pest population, either during the off-season or at the end of the growing...