Reflection and Introspection

Reflection and Introspection

Since I started out on my own as a private consultant, I find that I spend an extraordinary amount of time thinking about money, or if not money, then the (financial) implications of everything. Few hours pass by in a day where I am not thinking about the current and...
Late Season Weed Control

Late Season Weed Control

Weeds are awful and are the bane of most people’s existence. Growers spend a significant amount of time and resources trying to manage weeds, as they can have a negative impact on most crops, including: Competing for nutrients, water, light, and space Harbouring,...
Appreciating the Moment

Appreciating the Moment

No matter what your profession, the imminent, and at times sudden, arrival of fall brings lots of changes and a fair number of challenges, both physical and mental. September is a pretty busy time for most field-based horticulture crop producers. This is when...