Sometimes life throws a curveball at you. Occasionally, life’s pitching machine goes insane and throws everything at you, all at once. It can be unsettling, unnerving and demoralizing. On the other hand, it can also be energizing, exciting and interesting. I find my reaction to all of the changes that have come to me varies day to day.

My method for dealing with the multitude of changes to have been pitched at me is to stay busy, try and focus on the things that I enjoy, and keep focused on doing things that have meaning.

This website (and the associated articles, documents and resource materials) is meant to provide information to any audience. Every few days, or at least once a week, I’ll write a new post and/or release some new article. I intend to include lots of insect pest and disease factsheets, some food for thought articles and a few tidbits to snack upon.

On this website, I’ll post the articles that can be reused, along with PDFs of anything that might be printed or used elsewhere. If you have ideas for articles, feel free to submit them via the Contact Us section.

There is a section for upcoming events that relate to the horticulture industry, both in Alberta, in Canada or elsewhere in the world. Feel free to submit events that might be applicable.

If you think that you are in need of my skills, please feel free to contact me to set something up.