What I Can Do For You…
Spencer Horticultural Solutions has the skills and tools to meet your needs. Tell me what you want to accomplish and I’ll build a customized solution to fit.
General Services
At Spencer Horticultural Solutions, I have a diverse set of skills that I bring to bear on whatver you, your business, community or group needs. From communication, to research, to personalized support, I can help you get there (wherever that is).

I love to talk and share information. I’ve literally done hundreds of different presentations and talks for audiences ranging from a half dozen people to hundreds, on a vast range of topics. Presentations are practical, informative and entertaining. Topics can range from basic horticulture topics to technically complex.
Presentations can be delivered in-person or virtually, live or recorded, depending on your audience and the situation.

Written Resources
I love to write and to develop and deliver information for you to use now and for years to come. 1 page factsheet? Summarized information? In-depth report or study? Check, check, check.
I’ve build everything from 1 page factsheets to 300+ page production manuals. I can write at a technical level or bring it to the level of whatever the target audience is. I can write in a factsheet document style or in journalistic style for media.

One-on-one / One-on-some Consulting
I am service and people-oriented. Whether you need to bounce the occasional idea or problem off my wall, or if you need to work through complex challenges in your operation, I can build that support net for you.
I can handle everything from horticulture business start-up to pest diagnostics and management, and everything in between.
I can be on the ground in your field, or I can work virtually, to reduce the cost. I utilize phone, email, texts, or video calls to work with you to solve your problems.
You can set up seasonal contracts for ease of billing, or you can access me as you need it.

Overarching Support
Perhaps, you’ve heard the expression “Jack of all trades, master of none“? Well, I firmly believe that you can’t know everything, so you should know someone who does. I can provide that deeper level of support, to allow you to provide a broad base of services to your clientele.
This service is geared to groups, such as organizations and municipalities that want support to meet their client needs, but don’t need a full-time staff member. I’ll be there to get you the answers you need to be the rock star for your clients.

Special Projects & Research
If you have a complex problem that needs digging into, or data that needs to be gathered, analysed and simplified, I’m happy to help you get it done. Let me help you sort out the problem. Together, we’ll build the structure necessary to get you the answers that you need.
This can include things such as marketing studies, gathering pricing data, designing and conducting pest monitoring and surveillance work, or some other block of work that has an official stamp to it.

Grant Writing and Navigation
I spent a lot of years working in government, helping to connect clients to funding solutions, as well as writing grant applications for project work.
If you would like help in building your application for your next project, I can help and support you in those efforts.
Community Projects
Communities are beautiful and we get out of them what we put into them. At Spencer Horticultural Solutions we’ve got years of experience working in the community sphere, with great success in having our community improvements recognized on an international stage.

Community Projects
Communities are where our lives intertwine with those around us. If you (as a volunteer/not-for-profit/municipal committee or group) want to move ahead on making improvements to your community, I can help you get that done.
I have successfully initiated and carried out a number of projects in my own community, and can bring both my professional expertise and personal experience together to help design and build your next community project. This might include community gardens, community orchards/food forests, beautification projects, or the like.
I will sit down with your movers and shakers and idea makers and sort out what you want to accomplish. Then I’ll design a project that gets you there.
I can also help you move from concept to funded reality, by supporting grant writing efforts at the local level.