Tarnished Plant Bug (a.k.a. Lygus Bug)

Tarnished Plant Bug – adult

Tarnished Plant Bug damage

Tarnished Plant Bug damage – catfacing
Photos by Robert Spencer
Causal Organism: Lygus lineolaris (and other species)
Crops Affected: Wide host range – many fruit, vegetable, field and forage crops and weed species
Life Cycle:
- One of the most serious & widespread of strawberry pests, but also affects many other crops
- Sucking insects that pierce flower buds, blossoms, and developing fruits and plant parts
- Adult has distinctive triangle or “V” mark on back
- Adults are strong fliers
- Overwinter as adults in leaf litter or under debris and migrate into fields in spring or fall to feed on weeds and crops
- Lay eggs in spring in plant tissues
- Young/immature stages (a.ka. nymphs) resemble aphids without cornicles (tail pipes) and move more quickly
- Nymphs hatch and feed on developing blossoms & fruit
- Nymphs feed through May and June, maturing in late June to early July
- Most of damage results from feeding by nymphs
- Adults feed on developing fruit
- Leave with fruiting complete in June or July (strawberries)
- May have 2-3 generations per year (depending on season length)
- Day neutral strawberries are flowering when TPB numbers are high, therefore damage potential is higher
Symptoms / Damage:
- Presence of insect life stages
- Range of damage to vegetables
- Reduced fruit set in bean, pepper & eggplant
- Blemishes on tomato fruit
- Necrotic spots on florets & curd of broccoli, cauliflower and heads of lettuce
- Dead leaves on potatoes
- Foliar injury on cucumbers
- Gummosis on zucchini
- Raspberries (most damage occurs after petal fall)
- Feeding on flower blossoms & developing fruit = crumbly berry
- Reduced plant vigour
- Saskatoon berries
- Yellow, aborting flower buds; droplets of brownish liquid may exude from newly pierced buds
- Fruit deformation
- Strawberries
- Feeding by nymphs – Nubbins or deformed fruit / Apical seediness
- Adult feeding – CATFACING
NOTE: Catfacing can be caused by other factors, producing identical symptoms
- Feeding also reduces plant vigour due to removal of plant nutrients
- Be aware of neighbouring crops that might be a host or that might release a large number of adults when cut (e.g. alfalfa or canola)
- Crop should be monitored for the number of nymphs in flower blossoms. Sweep nets can determine adult numbers
- Scout the field perimeter in new fields or entire established fields
- Start monitoring in overwintered fields from when they are uncovered onward
- Strawberry blossoms may be sampled from across the field, counting the number of nymphs and adults present
- Tap plants or shake fruit clusters over a non-metallic pie plate
- Count the number of nymphs per 100 clusters
- Strawberry Economic threshold = 1 nymph or adult per 8 blossoms
- Survey the field from pre-bloom until green fruit stage (strawberries)
- Careful monitoring of TPB populations
- Remove weeds (especially leguminous species)
- Ensure alternate host crops are not planted too close (e.g. alfalfa)
- Make careful and timely chemical control applications
- Controls are available with application timing restrictions
- Chemical control is challenging due to continuous flowering and fruiting of day neutral strawberries
- Only products with short Pre-Harvest Intervals (PHI) may be used
- Do not apply products when bees are actively working
Tarnished Plant Bug – A Major Pest of Strawberry – OMAFRA article